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Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
My Brain on Challenge
I don't think I have ever written and published anything for 30 consecutive days. I have two book drafts in various states of...
Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
Finishing Tasks to the End
I was lucky to have someone mentor me through my first half marathon. She would council me on appropriate running gear, how to pace...
Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
You Are Your Past
You are not your past. Tony Robbins If there is any dispute that your traits and beliefs are passed down through your DNA, you haven't...
Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
Pick One - Pass it Down
I sometimes make stupid decisions. It sounds good at the time, but as the decision rolls out, my better judgement is challenged. Years...
Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
It Always Takes Longer Than You Think!
If I don't write it in my calendar, it is not going to happen. If a task is not on my list, I have a 50-50 chance of forgetting it. Ah,...
Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
Feelings Matter
It is the last hour of school before school is dismissed for spring break. I am going around to the classrooms checking in on students...
Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
The Power of More Than One
I am once again staring out at miserable rain and snow. It is March. Spring is just around the corner. Outside my window there are big...
Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
Can We Teach Happiness?
I am at a school meeting attended by a classroom teacher, a resource teacher, a school administrator, a support worker and myself as a...
Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
How to Teach Anxiety (Part Two)
All of our interactions and responses influence those around us. The adults in the primary support system for children have a tremendous...
Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
How to Teach Anxiety (Part One)
Stress is a normal part of our everyday experience, yet, increasingly we are finding children who are challenged with the practice of...
Dr. Emi Garzitto
4 min read
My Addiction to Certainty
Two years ago, I saw an interview with Tony Robbins, a popular motivational speaker who talked about six core values that drive...
Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
5 Things to (Not) Do in Crisis
After struggling with symptoms of severe adrenal failure, my sister was finally feeling the benefits of a strengthening recovery. She...
Dr. Emi Garzitto
2 min read
Happiness is a Muscle
Photo by Ben Rosett on Unsplash Recently I watched and rewatched a PBS special on happiness. The documentary examined the growing study...
Dr. Emi Garzitto
4 min read
The Counter Point to Technology
How Do We Put Back in Curriculum What Technology Takes Away? Technology is moving into the educational sphere in an ever-increasing way. ...
Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
The Antidote to Addiction is Connection
Photo by Kelsey Chance on Unsplash The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. It is human connection. Joahan Hari There is a classic...
Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
Fear Can't Win
Success comes in small steps, repeated thousands of times. It is the behaviours, the doing that bring about our heart's desires. It is...
Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
The Middle Aged Brain on Twitter
In an ever-growing attempt to acquaint myself in the digital land, I have decided to use part of my winter break navigating twitter....
Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
Who Takes Care of the Caregiver?
Photo by CDC on Unsplash Our moments of "unkind" and "mean" happen most when we are depleted. If you are hungry, angry, lonely or tired;...
Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
When Does Care Become Harm?
Photo by Simon Rae on Unsplash Children need love and connection, and they also need practice in contributing to a larger community....
Dr. Emi Garzitto
3 min read
What's It Like to be You?
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash Beliefs are not an intellectual construct, they are an emotional one. Our feelings are always connected to...
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