Find the right time. Take small steps. Repeat. This will help you adapt to a new normal.
Adjusting to a new normal is going to require some self-awareness and it will utilize your ability to discover what is best for you. Now is the time to put into practice your best self. Discovering what that ‘best self’ needs will be your new learning curve.
Find the Right Time
When are you most alert? Create your schedule so that it works with what is best for you. Do the hard work when you have the most resources. This means working with your natural strengths and timelines. I work best in the morning and so I will assign my most important work during that time. When I was challenged with my health, the morning was the time that I used to work out as that was critical in supporting my self care. When I was writing my book, mornings were spent writing and focussing on the work of completing my book. Find the time of day where you are the most productive and do the important work at that time.
You can support all members of your family to do the same work by finding their ideal work time and then allot that time for the hard work.
Take Small Steps
If you are finding yourself struggling to accomplish the task, make the steps smaller. The harder the task, the smaller the steps required in order for success. If you are finding yourself avoiding the work, break up the tasks into smaller steps where the resistance is lower. That will mean that we might have to cut our expectations by half.
This works for all members of the family. If your children are resisting the tasks, first find their optimal time of learning and support that time by creating minimal distractions and then breaking down the tasks into smaller and smaller pieces. You can naturally increase the tasks but the rule of thumb for brain training is go slow to go fast.
This is even more critical if you are feeling stressed or anxious or overwhelmed. You are going to need to put bigger buffers around work expectations.
Brains Love Repetition
Aim to repeat your working patterns daily. When it comes to brain training, 30 minutes everyday is better than a three hour box of time once a week. When I get really stuck, I put the timer on for 30 minutes and write. Putting the time in, even if some days the work output is 10 crappy sentences, over time will improve. Short repeated daily bursts are effective.
Find the right time. Take small steps. Repeat. This will help you adapt to a new normal.